Entropy: Thermodynamics – Energy – Environment – Economy
Issue 1 (vol 1 - 2020)
Special issue (vol 3 - 2022)
Issue 1 (vol 4 - 2023)
Special issue LILA (vol 4 - 2023)
Special issue (vol 4 - 2023)
Special issue ECOS (vol 4 - 2023)
Special issue IEES (vol 5 - 2024)
Modeling and simulation of a solar absorption refrigeration machine operating with lithium chloride water coupled (H2O-LiCl)
Biological bioactive film of the propolis: morphological, optical and electrical properties
Direct and inverse magnetocaloric effect in half-doped La0,5Ca0,5MnO3 and Pr0,5Sr0,5MnO3
Numerical investigation of normal diffusion flame of bio-hythane
Mathematical Modeling and Numerical Simulation of Viscoelastic Flow between two Eccentric Cylinders - Case of Journal Bearing
Improved magnetocaloric effect in composites based on Pr0,63A0,07Sr0,3MnO3 (A = Pr, Sm and Bi) manganites
Exergetic analysis of a vapor compression solar refrigeration system
Energy and Exergy analysis of Carbon Dioxide Transcritical Booster System
Effects of Zinc Oxide used as an alternative for Organic Polymer in Single Layer Organic Solar Cells: Simulation Study
Magnetic and magnetocaloric studies of La0,45Eu0,05Ca0,483Ba0,017MnO3 compound
Editorial special issue ATSR-IEES 2023
Issue 2 (vol 5 - 2024)
Special issue IREEC 2 (vol 5 - 2024)
Special issue LILA 2 (vol 5 - 2024)
Special issue SFT Prix Biot-Fourier (vol 5 - 2024)
Issue 2 (vol 1 - 2020)
Issue 3 (vol 1 - 2020)
Issue 4 (vol 1 - 2020)
Issue 1 (vol 2 - 2021)
Special issue (vol 2 - 2021)
Issue 3 (vol 2 - 2021)
Issue 1 (vol 3 - 2022)
Issue 2 (vol 3 - 2022)
Nanoelectronic Devices
Archaeology, Society and Environment
Issue 1 (vol 1 - 2019)
Issue 1:
Résilience and Landscape (vol 2 - 2021)
Issue 1 (vol 3 - 2023)
Cultural uses of Morinda lucida Benth. in Africa
Perceiving cultural differences through woodworking: case study of hunting weapon shafts from southern Patagonia
How four Types of Japanese Carpenters make Use of the Wealth of their Country’s Wood Species
The use of local wood in construction: evolution of tools regarding environmental challenges
The wicker fish trap (14th century) discovered in the Iton river at Évreux (Eure), a rare example of eel fishing
Woodcraft illustrated by a set of tools from the late 3rd / early 4th century AD discovered at La Croix-Saint-Ouen (Hauts-de-France, Oise)
Roman woodturning in the western part of the Civitas Treverorum: toolmarks, processing waste and structure of the craft
A wooden aqueduct from the end of the 1st century BC of Aoste (Isère)
The wooden barge, sand-carrier, of Bamako (Mali): 8000 years of nautical innovations
Woodworking and carpentry skills of the first agricultural societies in central Europe
Making your own hive, is it taking care of the bees?
National heritage and transmission of woodwork techniques in contemporary South Korea
Shipwrights. Working with timber in wooden boatbuilding
Time4WoodCraft – the time of wood craftspersons, the time of crafts’ wood – a transdisciplinary exploration
Wood and wooded areas: use the space and live inside The paradigm of oak and juniper craftsmen in the twentieth century in Provence
Sampling secrets for an accurate dendrodating
Dealing with the Loire River in the beginning of the 17th c.: history and archaeology of the dykes in Saint-Père / Sully-sur-Loire (45, France)
Archaeological wood from Roman Egypt: between local and imported species. Dendrochronological potential for a climatic reading…
Building a monumental enclosure in the Late Neolithic: resources, forest exploitation, and the transportation and use of oak logs (La Villeneuveau- Châtelot, Aube)
Contribution of 14C wiggle-matching to dendroarchaeology of coastal Birnirk and Thule sites in northern Alaska
A blade to cleave wood/antler: how to work hard materials of vegetal and animal origin in the Lower Magdalenian (Taillis des Coteaux, Vienne, France)?
Wood in a unexpected state. Traces of neolithic and protohistoric installations in pits and ditches of acid and well-drained silty soils (Middle Belgium and northern France)
Editorial. Journées Bois: Interdisciplinary Meeting on Wood and Societies
Issue 1 (vol 4 - 2024)
Issue 1 (vol 5 - 2025)
Issue 1 (vol 6 - 2026)
Art and Science
City and Tourism
Digital Archaeology
Modeling and Using Context
Science, Technology, Development
Issue 1 (vol 1 - 2021)
Issue 1 (vol 2 - 2022)
Issue 1 (vol 3 - 2023)
Issue 1 (vol 4 - 2024)
African Contingencies and the Singularity of Artificial Intelligence: Setbacks
Monthly evolution of catch production following the creation of the 2021 industrial shrimp fishing campaign: case of zones B and C1 northwest of Madagascar
One Health as an axis for building an Intersectoral System of Innovation (I.S.S) in Cameroon
Biological inventory of the coastal and marine zones of ambanjabe, in the new Antrema protected area, Katsepy township and Boeny region of Madagascar
Environmental action to attenuate the threats of the forest resources of Ankilahila, farming township of Betsako and Boeny region of Madagascar
Cartography: Historical review and contribution of African know-how
Test of the culture of spiruline biologic Arthrospira platensis in the firm Masoandro of Amborovy in the urban township of Mahajanga Madagascar
Integration of endogenous construction techniques and materials into knowledge institutions in French-speaking West Africa
The Niger River facing the test of plastic pollution and its impacts on agriculture in Faranah (Republic of Guinea)
Land use planning, property rights and management of built heritage: some observations on colonial religious buildings in Lubumbashi, Democratic Republic of Congo
The Impact of Cognitive Absorption Dimensions on the Appropriation of ICTs among students of Public Universities in the Casablanca-Settat region, Morocco
Dynamism of growth of Avicennia marina for the restoration of zone damaged in the new area protected Bombetoka Belemboka, case of Morahariva and Amboanio Mahajanga Madagascar
Ethnographic survey and evolution of practices in the health sector in rural areas in Burkina Faso
The Responsible University: Definition, Missions, Challenges in the Global South, and a Focus on Africa
Clusters in sub -Saharan Africa and the role of public interventions: theoretical approach and analysis method
Technology and Innovation