
Mathematics   > Home   > Advances in Pure and Applied Mathematics   > Issue 2 (March 2022)   > Article

Weak Formulation of the Laplacian on the Full Shift Space

Formulation faible du laplacien sur l’espace Shift complet

Shrihari Sridharan
Indian Institute of Science Education and Research

Sharvari Neetin Tikekar
Indian Institute of Science Education and Research

Published on 14 March 2022   DOI : 10.21494/ISTE.OP.2022.0810





We consider a Laplacian on the one-sided full shift space over a finite symbol set, which is constructed as a renormalized limit of finite difference operators. We propose a weak de-nition of this Laplacian, analogous to the one in calculus, by choosing test functions as those which have finite energy and vanish on various boundary sets. In the abstract setting of the shift space, the boundary sets are chosen to be the sets on which the finite difference operators are defined. We then define the Neumann derivative of functions on these boundary sets and establish a relation between three important concepts in analysis so far, namely, the Laplacian, the bilinear energy form and the Neumann derivative of a function. As a result, we obtain the Gauss-Green’s formula analogous to the one in classical case. We conclude this paper by providing a sufficient condition for the Neumann boundary value problem on the shift space.

We consider a Laplacian on the one-sided full shift space over a finite symbol set, which is constructed as a renormalized limit of finite difference operators. We propose a weak de-nition of this Laplacian, analogous to the one in calculus, by choosing test functions as those which have finite energy and vanish on various boundary sets. In the abstract setting of the shift space, the boundary sets are chosen to be the sets on which the finite difference operators are defined. We then define the Neumann derivative of functions on these boundary sets and establish a relation between three important concepts in analysis so far, namely, the Laplacian, the bilinear energy form and the Neumann derivative of a function. As a result, we obtain the Gauss-Green’s formula analogous to the one in classical case. We conclude this paper by providing a sufficient condition for the Neumann boundary value problem on the shift space.

One-sided full shift space Weak formulation of the Laplacian Energy form Neumann derivative

One-sided full shift space Weak formulation of the Laplacian Energy form Neumann derivative