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Vol 5 - Issue 1

Industrial and Systems Engineering

List of Articles

PoleSat, health planning modelling for decision support. Application to a reorganization of vascular catheterization provision, at the geographic level of "territorial hospital grouping".
Anne Quesnel-Barbet, Julien Soula, Erik-André Sauleau, Pierre Bazile, François Dufossez, Gilles Maignant, Frédéric Albert, Arnaud Hansske, Lorraine Trilling

Three key factors appear relevant in view of annual optimizations of the Public Hospital management: territorial reorganization, quick change in medical technologies and maintaining balanced budgets. Finding the right tools for territorial analysis, making it possible to achieve the efficiency of the care sectors of "territorial hospital groupings" is the priority of the Health Care Directorate, and this is the context in which PoleSat has been evaluated. Method: three scenarios have been considered for ‘vascular catheterizations’ among seven hospital hubs of Nouvelle Aquitaine: the existing situation, the closure of the Rochefort hub and the transfer of activity from Rochefort to the Saintes hub. Different analyzes of "modeled catchment areas and allocations of populations and activities" have been compared. Results: After comparisons of the pre-post scenarios of the covered areas and the concerned statistic of population, consequences and impacts for the hubs are expressed in ‘risks of loss’ and ‘chances of gain’ of activity and patient numbers. Conclusion: Taking into account its first tests and good repeatability, PoleSat is proving to be robust and reliable. It will be enhanced and reused for other care services, geographic spaces and territories.

Editorial - Management and engineering of hospital systems in the digital age and organizational innovations
Sondes Chaabane, Maria Di Mascolo, Franck Fontanili

Ce numéro spécial fait suite à la 10ème Conférence Francophone en Gestion et Ingénierie des Systèmes Hospitaliers – GISEH 2020 – qui a eu lieu à Valenciennes et en ligne en Octobre 2020.

Application of humanoid robotics to pain management
Bretagne Estelle, Fonséca Jérémy, Serra Eric

Chronic pain is a major health problem with significant emotional and social implications. How, in the digital age, can a humanoid robot help improve the quality of life of painful? By providing information to the patient, by allowing an evaluation and a follow-up of the pain severity, by diverting the attention, by proposing therapeutic answers adapted and selected in advance by the patient and his doctor. The objective of our interdisciplinary research is to study the collaboration between humans and a humanoid (social) assistance robot by improving the robot’s assessment of the pain experience through various sensors. These actions are facilitated by the humanoid aspect of the robot. The final objective would be to identify relevant and/or preventive interactions (non-drug interventions) taking into account the level of pain experienced by chronic pain patient, under the supervision of a physician.

Interest of the mutualisation of professionals when scheduling activities for Home Care and Services
Alois Franzino, Lorraine Trilling, Maria Di Mascolo, Thibaud Monteiro

In this paper, we are interested in the organization of home care activities. We focus on the organization of the accompaniments of a set of people by a SESSAD (Service d’Education Spéciale et de Soins A Domicile - Special Education Service and Home Care). This organization implies deciding conjointly on the schedule of each care and on routing of the professional caregivers. To set this planning, we need to know who will do this work, where it will be done, and how to organize the schedule to reduce travel costs and to maximize the satisfaction of patients. A MILP is proposed to help decision-makers. This model allows, by a lexicographic approach, to optimize the travel time of professionals, while keeping a reduced waiting time. The analysis of a case study made it possible to study the real needs as well as the solutions that can be provided. Analysis validates the interest of pooling professionals to better plan their routes.

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