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Auto - ISSN 2631-4924 - © ISTE Ltd

Aims and scope

Objectifs de la revue

The Control journal publishes papers on various themes, from model identification and estimation to real time on chip implementation. The journal welcomes both theoretical work and applications.

The covered themes (non-exhaustive list) are: identification, estimation, control, observation; controllability, observability, stabilization, trajectory tracking, robustness; linear and nonlinear systems, finite and infinite dimensional, hybrid or not; continuous, discrete, sampled data, real time systems theory.

La revue Automatique publie des articles sur différents thèmes allant des aspects d’identification de modèles et d’estimation jusqu’à l’implantation temps réel sur cible. La revue accueille à la fois des travaux théoriques et des applications.

Les thèmes couverts sont (liste non-exhaustive) : identification, estimation, commande, observation ; commandabilité, observabilité, stabilisation, suivi de trajectoires, robustesse ; systèmes linéaires et non linéaires, de dimension finie et infinie, hybrides ou non ; théorie des systèmes continue, discrète, échantillonnée, temps réel.

Journal issues


Volume 21- 3

Issue 1


Volume 18- 2

Issue 1


Volume 17- 1

Issue 1

Recent articles

Vehicle platoon control with license plate detection
Roméo MUSELEFU Mbula, Jean-Marie MOANDA Ndeko, Angelo KUTI Lusala

This paper is devoted, on the one hand, to the development of longitudinal and lateral vehicle platoon control laws and, on the other hand, to the development of a management system for the capture and processing of vehicle license plate images. This system is capable of measuring the volume and characteristics of traffic in real time, day and night. Due to its limited resource requirements, this system can be directly integrated into an onboard processing unit. In addition, the system can automatically read license plate numbers, using a complementary set of techniques to extract the license plate number from the image stream in the traffic.

An approach for a fire detection prototype
Roméo MUSELEFU Mbula, François NTAMBWE Kadinda, Idriss KYONI Nkulu, Mays Melki BEYA Lwango

This paper is devoted to an approach to a fire detection system using an Arduino Uno module. We first present two simple models that account for the propagation of fire and smoke during fires. The first is a partial derivative one ; the second, with concentrated parameters, is used in the CFAST simulator, popular in the community. We then present two diagnosis techniques. Our safety system, detailed afterwards, is mainly composed of 4 parts : management, signalling, detection and power supply. The Arduino board assumes the management role of our system. We also used an alarm siren and an MQ-2 gas sensor that fulfill the signaling and detection roles.

Comparison of control structures for autonomous vehicle lateral guidance
Nolwenn Monot, Xavier Moreau, André Benine-Neto, Audrey Rizzo, François Aioun

The lateral dynamics of the vehicle is strongly impacted by the longitudinal speed bringing problems to trajectory tracking. In this paper, several control structures based on PID are compared for the lateral guidance of autonomous vehicle. It includes a classic PID, a nested loop and a multi-PID controller. A comparison is made through an overtaking simulation for different speeds. The paper highlights that a PID alone cannot guarantee the stability of the closed loop in every situation and that among the three structures, the multi-PID controller allows the best tracking.

Control allocation method for voltage control and active balancing of a multicellular flying capacitor inverter
Abdelkader Bouarfa, Marc Bodson, Maurice Fadel

An elegant way to exploit control redundancies available in multilevel converters is through the formulation of a constrained optimization problem. An interesting connection can be made with the so-called control allocation problems defined in over-actuated constrained systems. Redundancies and constraints are taken into account to achieve the best performance. In this paper, we introduce the first result of an investigation of control allocation methods for multilevel conversion. The method is dedicated to the flying-capacitor inverter with focus on the active balancing of capacitor voltages to ensure admissible blocking voltages for the switches. A linear program is formulated and solved by using the well-established simplex algorithm. Fast variations of the DC-bus voltage were applied in simulations. Disturbances are well rejected thanks to a highly reactive balancing, and a safe switching operation is ensured.

Improving resource elasticity in cloud computing thanks to model-free control
Alireza Moradi, Hugues Mounier, Cédric Join, Michel Fliess, Maria Bekcheva

In cloud computing management, the dynamic adaptation of computing resource allocations under timevarying workload is an active domain of investigation. Several control strategies were already proposed. Here the modelfree control setting and the corresponding “intelligent” controllers, which are most successful in many concrete engineering situations, are employed for the “horizontal elasticity.” When compared to the commercial “Auto-Scaling” algorithms, our easily implementable approach, behaves better even with sharp workload fluctuations. This is confirmed by experiments
on Amazon Web Services (AWS).

Hierarchical approach for Global Chassis Control
Emna Hamrouni, Jean-Louis Bouvin, Xavier Moreau, André Benine-Neto, Vincent Hernette, Pascal Serrier, Alain Oustaloup

In a context of Connected Autonomous Vehicle (CAV), this paper proposes a generic hierarchical architecture for Global Chassis Control (GCC). The four levels of this architecture, namely : the Supervisor, the Global Control, the Allocation and the Local Control, are detailed. In a second part, an example whose objective is to illustrate the design process of such a hierarchical architecture is presented. For didactic reasons, and without that it doesn’t harm the general approach, the field of
study of this example is summed up to a braking situation in a straight line on dry, smooth and horizontal road, the objective being to hold the chassis under driving sollicitations in the operating field associated with comfort. A Robust Command Frequency Synthesis (RCFS) based on the CRONE control is applied for global and local control. The comparison of the simulated time
performances using a model with 14 degrees of freedom of the device in both active and in degraded mode clearly highlights the interest of the proposed approach.

Path planning with fractional potential fields for autonomous vehicles
Julien Moreau, Pierre Melchior, Stéphane Victor, Mathieu Moze, François Aioun, Franck Guillemard

Path planning is an essential stage for mobile robot control. It is more newsworthy than ever in the automotive context and especially for autonomous vehicle. Also, path planning methods need to be adaptive regarding life situations, traffic and obstacle crossing. In this paper, potential field methods are proposed to cope with these constraints and autonomous vehicles are considered equipped with all necessary sensors for obstacle detection. In this way, Ge&Cui’s attractive potential field and fractional attractive potential field have been adapted to the context of autonomous vehicles.
In this way, this latter method ensures better stability degree robustness with controlled vehicle acceleration.

Editorial Board


Editor in chief

L2S – Université Paris Sud


Université Nice Sophia Antipolis

Laboratoire de Biotechnologie
de l’Environnement

Frédéric ROTELLA
Ecole nationale d’ingénieur de Tarbes

Olivier SENAME
Grenoble INP – ENSE3

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