Mathématiques > Accueil > Avancées en Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées > Numéro
In this paper, we study a new class of operators, so called $$$A(n,m)$$$-iso-contra-expansive operators. These new families of operators are considered as a generalization that combines the $$$m$$$-expansive operators as well as m-contractive operators and the classes of $$$(A,m)$$$-expansive and $$$(A,m)$$$-contractive operators and we recover the notion of $$$n$$$-quasi-$$$(A,m)$$$-isometric operators. Some spectral properties of these kind of operators are provided, we derive also a conditions to have the single-valued extension property (SVEP) and we finish by an application of Toeplitz operators on Bergman spaces.
Let $$$f$$$ be a degree $$$d$$$ form in $$$n+1$$$ variables $$$x_0,\dots ,x_n$$$. Any additive decomposition of $$$f$$$ is associated to a finite set $$$A\subset ℙ^n$$$ with $$$\#A$$$ the number of non-proportional addenda. We study the index of regularity $$$\rho(A)$$$ of $$$A$$$, i.e. the first integer $$$t$$$ such that $$$h^1(\mathcal{I}_A(t)) = 0$$$, of the finite subset $$$A\subset ℙ^n$$$ associated to the additive decompositions of degree $$$d$$$ forms in $$$n+1$$$ variables. Obviously $$$\rho(A)\le d$$$. We prove that $$$\rho(A)\ge d-k$$$ if $$$A$$$ spans $$$ℙ^n$$$ and $$$k$$$ is the maximal integer such that $$$x_0^k$$$ divides at least one monomial of $$$f$$$. If $$$f$$$ essentially depends on less variables, but $$$A$$$ spans $$$ℙ^n$$$, then $$$\rho(A)=d$$$. We give examples (but with $$$\#A$$$ bigger that the rank of $$$f$$$) in which we have $$$\rho(A)=d$$$.
This paper complements the description of finite-dimensional Jordan symplectic metric superalgebras on algebraically closed fields of characteristic zero. We discuss the graduation of the metric and the symplectic structures and use a new type of generalized double extension by two-dimensional Jordan superalgebras.
In this paper, we reconsider and slightly generalize various classes of Weyl almost automorphic functions ([29], [33]). More precisely, we consider here various classes of metrically Weyl almost automorphic functions of the form $$$F : {\mathbb R}^{n} \times X \rightarrow Y$$$ and metrically Weyl almost automorphic sequences of the form $$$F : {\mathbb Z}^{n} \times X \rightarrow Y$$$, where $$$X$$$ and $$$Y$$$ are complex Banach spaces. The main structural characterizations for the introduced classes of metrically Weyl almost automorphic functions and sequences are established. In addition to the above, we provide several illustrative examples, useful remarks and applications of the theoretical results.
Let $$$G$$$ be a permutation group on a set $$$\Omega$$$ with no fixed points in $$$\Omega$$$, and let $$$m$$$ be a positive integer. If for each subset $$$\Gamma$$$ of $$$\Omega$$$ the size $$$\Gamma^{g}-\Gamma|$$$ is bounded, for $$$g\in G$$$, the movement of $$$g$$$ is defined as move $$$(g):=\max{|\Gamma^{g}-\Gamma|}$$$ over all subsets $$$\Gamma$$$ of $$$\Omega$$$, and move $$$(G)$$$ is defined as the maximum of move $$$(g)$$$ over all non-identity elements of $$$g\in G$$$. Suppose that $$$G$$$ is not a 2-group. It was shown by Praeger that $$$|\Omega|\leqslant\lceil\frac{2mp}{p-1}\rceil+t-1$$$, where $$$t$$$ is the number of $$$G$$$-orbits on $$$\Omega$$$ and $$$p$$$ is the least odd prime dividing $$$|G|$$$. In this paper, we classify all permutation groups with maximum possible degree $$$|\Omega|=\lceil\frac{2mp}{p-1}\rceil+t-1$$$ for $$$t=2$$$, in which every non-identity element has constant movement $$$m$$$.
Volume 25- 16
Numéro 1 (Janvier 2025)2024
Volume 24- 15
Numéro 1 (Janvier 2024)2023
Volume 23- 14
Numéro 1 (Janvier 2023)2022
Volume 22- 13
Numéro 1 (Janvier 2022)2021
Volume 21- 12
Numéro spécial : AUS-ICMS 20202020
Volume 20- 11
Numéro 1 (Mai 2020)