
Sciences humaines et sociales   > Accueil   > Arts et sciences   > Numéro 2   > Article

Entre les arbres : itérer la genèse des formes, en art et dans la nature

Among the trees: iterating geneses of forms, in art and in nature

Giuseppe Longo
CNRS - Ecole Normale Sup.

Sara Longo
Paris 1 - Panthéon-Sorbonne

Publié le 6 février 2020   DOI : 10.21494/ISTE.OP.2020.0473





In many dynamics of nature we may witness the iteration of a morphogenetic process. Mandelbrot fractals allow us to give an elegant mathematical representation of those engendered by physical processes and provide new tools for an insight into some dynamics in Quantum Physics. The art photography book, reviewed here, proposes an original perspective of the forms and shadows of trees’ branches and leaves. It stresses the non-algorithmic diversity of biological morphogenesis, by adding also the artist’s interpretation by double exposures and filtering techniques. Analogies with two modern figurative painters will be hinted as well as the distortion of knowledge and economic action induced by fast-trading and the search of fractal regularities in the stock-market.

In many dynamics of nature we may witness the iteration of a morphogenetic process. Mandelbrot fractals allow us to give an elegant mathematical representation of those engendered by physical processes and provide new tools for an insight into some dynamics in Quantum Physics. The art photography book, reviewed here, proposes an original perspective of the forms and shadows of trees’ branches and leaves. It stresses the non-algorithmic diversity of biological morphogenesis, by adding also the artist’s interpretation by double exposures and filtering techniques. Analogies with two modern figurative painters will be hinted as well as the distortion of knowledge and economic action induced by fast-trading and the search of fractal regularities in the stock-market.

Mathematical fractals art photography shadows in painting biological morphogenesis physical iteration economic dynamics Benoît Mandelbrot René Magritte Simon Hantaï Luca Caciagli

Mathematical fractals art photography shadows in painting biological morphogenesis physical iteration economic dynamics Benoît Mandelbrot René Magritte Simon Hantaï Luca Caciagli