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Edu - ISSN 2632-590X - © ISTE Ltd
The Educations journal is a space for reflection on educative issues beyond disciplinary and institutional boundaries and divisions. The aim of this journal is to enable authors to present articles that concern forms of « education », making it possible to examine their dynamics of emergence, their novelty, continuity or rupture nature.
This journal is a place to share practices and ideas for researchers but also for teachers, trainers and instructional designers. Authors can submit work focused on educational, pedagogical, didactic and curricular aspects.
La revue Educations est un espace de réflexion sur les enjeux éducatifs au-delà des frontières et des clivages disciplinaires et institutionnels. L’objectif de cette revue est de permettre aux auteurs de présenter des articles sur les formes d’ « éducations » permettant d’interroger leurs dynamiques d’émergence, leur caractère de nouveauté, de continuité ou de rupture.
Cette revue constitue un lieu de partage des pratiques et des réflexions pour les chercheurs mais également pour les enseignants, formateurs et ingénieurs pédagogiques. Les auteurs peuvent soumettre des travaux axés sur des aspects éducatifs, pédagogiques, didactiques et curriculaires.
Processus de sélection des articles et d’évaluations par des pairs
Le processus se déroule en 4 étapes avec des délais courts afin que la décision finale soit rendue dans un délai maximum de 4 mois :
1. A réception des articles les rédacteurs en chef établissent une première sélection afin d’éliminer les articles dont la qualité ou le contenu semblent loin des objectifs de la revue. Un accusé de réception est alors envoyé aux auteurs (15 jours maximum).
2. Dans le cas d’une acceptation de l’étape 1, les rédacteurs en chef choisissent un membre du comité éditorial (appelé éditeur) selon la thématique de l’article (ou un rédacteur associé dans le cadre d’un numéro spécial ou d’un dossier thématique). L’éditeur est en charge de piloter la procédure d’évaluation par des pairs (2 évaluateurs externes minimums).
3. A la réception des rapports d’évaluation l’éditeur et les rédacteurs en chef décident de la suite à donner à l’article (Acceptation, Publication après corrections, Refus). En cas de contradiction entre les deux rapports des évaluateurs externes, l’article sera soumis à un membre du comité de rédaction pour une évaluation complémentaire avant décision.
4. Un courriel est envoyé aux auteurs afin de leur signifier le résultat de l’évaluation. Les expertises ayant servies à fonder la décision sont également envoyées aux auteurs. La décision est sans appel. En cas de « Publication après corrections » les auteurs ont un délai court (2 à 4 semaines) pour procéder aux corrections. La version modifiée (accompagnée d’une lettre précisant la prise en compte par les auteurs des demandes formulées) est alors transmise à l’éditeur qui vérifie la pertinence des modifications. Si les corrections ne paraissent pas satisfaisantes, le comité de rédaction est consulté et peut refuser la publication de l’article.
At a time when media debates about schools are oscillating between a race to reform, a return to radicalism or even a fantasised former republican school, and when didactics - the fields of research and practice that aim to build a ’bridge’ between the sciences with explanatory aims and the appropriation of their results by a variety of audiences - are too often locked in technical debates and excesses, there is an urgent need to think about the expected changes from the point of view of content too, with a view to containing the endemic crisis of contemporary schools faced with a loss of meaning and clear aims. The science of sustainability, as an emerging academic trend, is therefore challenging the didactics of existing school subjects in terms of their content and methods, in a necessary updating in line with these academic developments. It offers these disciplines and their didactics an opportunity for renewal.
We examine the specific contributions of education for the Anthropocene in the face of ecological and climatic crises in the context of environmental education on the one hand, and educational research on the other. The emergence of the current trend in education for the Anthropocene is positioned between education for, which is the result of political orders to the world’s education systems, and socially topical issues, which correspond to a current of research focused on renewing the relationship between science and society in education. Between permanence, rupture and continuity, education in the time of the Anthropocene questions the school form, taking into account contexts and territories and curricular legitimacies.
In a knowledge-based economy, the field of higher education is in high demand. This is to ensure a strong production capacity for globally competitive innovations. This geo-economic context upsets educational issues by requiring citizens to raise their level of skills and knowledge in a logic of performance. This study tends to show how the European Union relies on curricula to transform the democratization of higher education into a process of selection of human capital. It tends to show that curricular fragmentation is a strategy that draws its legitimacy from the meritocratic fiction, favoring in the background a massification of qualified human resources in a soft power perspective of the European model of the knowledge society.
In a context of globalization, education and training are vectors for the dissemination of standardized academic knowledge, aimed at making nations and institutions adhere to the same values and curricular design. This article brings out the political issues of the internationalization of curricula via the ERASMUS programs aimed at third countries, here marroco and Lebanon. We will understand this questioning through a case study, the EduBiomed program, which is interested in the university training of actors in Mediterranean biosphere reserves. We will analyze the European Union’s internationalization strategies, the managerial challenges of training and research via projects, those of pluriculturalism in training, and those of the curricular fragmentation processes.
This article questions the role that farmers can play in environmental education aiming an ecological transition. Considering that farmers are key actors of environmental controversies, the article postulates that the study of the pedagogical practices they develop can contribute to renewing perspectives on environmental education and its implementation. Based on an inductive and exploratory approach, it describes and seeks to understand these pedagogical practices. In order to do so understanding the farming production system is essential. Through this dual description of agricultural and educational practices, this article highlights the important role of farmers promoting an environmentally friendly system in the territorial ecological transition. In conclusion, he highlights the limitations of these practices which have few collective dimensions and remain focused on the modification of individual behaviours and on a tourist audience.
Le numéro de la revue Educations a pour objectif d’aborder la question de l’éducation au développement durable dans un contexte international qui interroge le devenir de notre planète et de l’humanité (Dupuy,2004 ; Morin,2020). L’école se propose à plusieurs égards, de se saisir de cette thématique en premier lieu dans les curricula, à travers les " éducations à ", et en particulier celle relative au développement durable.
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is currently preparing its sixth assessment report, which will be published in 2022, but previous reports have highlighted the very significant impact of anthropogenic climate change on the entire planet in the 21st century. In this context, recent studies are conceptualizing climate change education. This article presents the first French synthesis of these works. It highlights the importance of teaching that integrates personal, action and knowledge dimensions, and it proposes possible guidelines for thinking about climate change education in a school context.
In what ways has education for sustainable development (ESD), as a new curricular context, influenced a school discipline, life and earth science (LES)? Our study is based on a diachronic analysis of the second year LES curricula from the 1990s to the present day (thematic, lexicometric analysis and analysis of didactic transposition times). The whole shows a regression of ecological knowledge in favour of the integration of hybrid knowledge linked to sustainable development (SD), a growing anthropocentrism and the opening of the discipline to social legitimacy. From this, we have drawn up guidelines for teacher training, in particular the importance of questioning the content of teaching, the relationship to knowledge, and of making the hidden curriculum explicit.
If education for sustainable development, introduced in French programs since 2004, seems necessary to consider the complexity of the environmental, social and economic challenges of the twenty-first century at school, the form which would consist in inculcating behaviors in younger generations is questionable. From an emancipatory perspective, work on complex, fuzzy problems linked to sustainable development seems an interesting voice for students to engage in critical reflection and build collective solutions. How, then, to work with this type of problem? Can we educate in complexity without taking charge of the problems for the students?
Climate change is a major societal concern. By taking it into consideration, the official instructions subject the school to a double challenge: to make the students understand scientifically the reasons for it and to engage them in the fight to stop it. Is it possible, and under what conditions, to reconcile these objectives? Our contribution studies these questions by focusing on the greenhouse effect, which is studied at different levels of education and regularly mobilized by the media. Based on a media support and on extracts from textbooks, we show on the one hand that what is proposed tends to get rid of scientific explanations in order to go as fast as possible to prescription and action; on the other hand, that the reasoned commitment of students for the climate necessarily passes by the development of critical ways of thinking and thus to their access to emancipating knowledge.
Editorial Board
Editors in chief
Haute École Pédagogique Vaud
Jean-Marc LANGE
Université de Montpellier
Université d’Aix-Marseille
Dominique BERGER
Université Claude Bernard-Lyon 1
Université de Nantes
Université de Lille
Université de Rouen
Stephanie DEMERS
Université du Québec en Outaouais
CEEDD - Université Saint-Joseph
Philippe HERTIG
Haute école pédagogique Vaud