
Physics   > Home   > Nanoelectronic Devices   > Tunnel FETs   > Article

Capturing Performance Limiting Effects in Tunnel-FETs

Effets limitant la performance des FET Tunnel

Michael Graef
Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen

Fabian Hosenfeld
Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen

Fabian Horst
Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen

Atieh Farokhnejad
Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen

Benjamín Iñíguez
Universitat Rovira i Virgili

Alexander Kloes
Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen

Published on 20 February 2018   DOI : 10.21494/ISTE.OP.2018.0220





In this paper a two-dimensional analytical Tunnel-FET model is revised. It is used to evaluate performance enhancing measures for the TFET regarding device geometry and physical effects. The usage of hetero-junctions is discussed and a way to suppress the ambipolar behavior of the TFET is shown. In focus of this work are the emerging variability issues with this new type of device. Random-dopant-fluctuations (rdf) have a major influence on the device performance. This effect is analyzed and compared with rdf effects in a MOSFET device. The drawn conclusions lead to a
re-evaluation of performance limiting aspects of fabricated TFET devices.

In this paper a two-dimensional analytical Tunnel-FET model is revised. It is used to evaluate performance enhancing measures for the TFET regarding device geometry and physical effects. The usage of hetero-junctions is discussed and a way to suppress the ambipolar behavior of the TFET is shown. In focus of this work are the emerging variability issues with this new type of device. Random-dopant-fluctuations (rdf) have a major influence on the device performance. This effect is analyzed and compared with rdf effects in a MOSFET device. The drawn conclusions lead to a
re-evaluation of performance limiting aspects of fabricated TFET devices.

Random Dopant Fluctuation (RDF) Randomized Profiles Gaussian Doping Profiles Trap-Assisted- Tunneling (TAT) Double-Gate (DG) Tunnel-FET Analytical Modeling

Random Dopant Fluctuation (RDF) Randomized Profiles Gaussian Doping Profiles Trap-Assisted- Tunneling (TAT) Double-Gate (DG) Tunnel-FET Analytical Modeling

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