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Related domain(s) : Biology, Medicine and Health
BioMat - © ISTE Ltd
State of the Art in Bioengineering concentrates on all the research linked to living materials science and materials for living beings. It aims at establishing a bridge between materials science and biology.
The journal focuses on the following areas: the design, the modeling and the multi-physical and multi-scale characterization of living materials, biomimetic materials or even bio-inspired, bio-artificial materials, the materials and biomaterials obtained with 3D printing, the interfaces and interphases in between these artificial materials and living tissues, their regeneration, their remodeling and their evolution over time.
The subjects involved are: biomechanics, biomaterials, nanobiotechnologies (MEMS, NEMS, etc.), nanobiomechanics, bioengineering, and mechanical-biology.
État de l’art en Bioingénierie est dédiée à toutes les recherches en relation avec les sciences des matériaux du vivant et pour le vivant. Elle vise à établir un pont entre les sciences des matériaux et la biologie.
La revue s’intéresse aux domaines suivants : la conception, la modélisation et la caractérisation multi-physique et multi-échelle des matériaux du vivant, les matériaux biomimétiques ou encore bio-inspirés, les matériaux bio-artificiels, les matériaux et biomatériaux obtenus par impression 3D, les interfaces ou interphases entre ces matériaux artificiels et les tissus vivants, leur régénération, remodelage et évolution dans le temps.
Les disciplines concernées sont : la biomécanique, les biomatériaux, les nano-biotechnologies (MEMS, NEMS, etc.), la nano-biomécanique, la bio-ingénierie, la mécano-biologie.
This paper aims to give a review of our knowledge on the human cornea, its structure, and its behavior, for mechanical modeling. It presents first the general organization of the cornea, as well as its macro and microstructures. In a second time, we detail the Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) techniques, which are used in clinics and in research to observe the cornea. Then, we present the experimental characterization of the cornea mechanical properties. Finally, we review the modeling approaches that have been used to describe the elastic response of the tissue.
Human skeletal muscle is a complex tissue with a strict and ordered hierarchy (muscle, fiber, myofibril) similar to rodent animal used to study the mechanical properties of healthy and pathological muscles (e.g. mdx mouse to mimic Duchenne disease). Collagen envelopes, actin and titin are the structures implicated in the passive mechanical properties. The active mechanical properties are related to the formation of actin-myosin cross bridges. This article presents the most commonly used mechanical tests to measure in vitro, at different scales, the passive (incremental stepwise extension test, stretch-release test, compressive test, fatigue-recovery test, eccentric contraction test) and active (force-frequency test, tetanus and twitch contraction tests) behaviors of rodent muscles. The next section of this literature review covers the need for in vivo protocols to be as close as possible to physiological conditions, allowing to keep the animal alive and to perform longitudinal mechanical studies, with the presentation of imaging methods (MRI and ultrasound-based elastography) in living rodents. Then the main factors (protocol heterogeneity, aging, etc.) influencing the mechanical properties are presented.
Magnetic resonance elastography (MRE) is a non-invasive imaging technique which is becoming more commonly used in radiology departments to assess different stages of liver fibrosis. In the last decade, numerous MRE protocols have been developed to measure the shear stiffness of different tissues such as skeletal muscle, breast, kidney, and brain to characterize the mechanical behavior of living tissues. Thus, in addition to the anatomical and textural images obtained with the classical magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) exam, it is now possible to correlate the morphological features with the mechanical properties, allowing for more accurate follow-up and treatment of lung pathology. During the COVID-19 pandemic, MRE has found another relevant application in the assessment of damage to the lung parenchyma resulting from viral infection. This review provides a better understanding of how to assess pulmonary biomechanics using the MRE technique.
Editorial Board
Editors in Chief
Marie-Christine HO BA THO
Biomécanique Bioingénierie - CNRS
Université de Technologie de Compiègne
Université de Strasbourg, ECPM, CNRS
UTC Compiègne
Université de Strasbourg
Christian HELLMICH
Institute for Mechanics of Materials
and Structures
Vienna University of Technology
Philippe LAVALLE
Véronique MIGONNEY
CSPBAT – Université Paris 13