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ROISI - ISSN 2634-1468 - © ISTE Ltd
The journal aims at providing a space for the publication of disciplinary or interdisciplinary methodological or applied French-speaking research, in the field of information systems engineering. The contributions formalize the design, implementation, and evaluation of information systems. The journal aims to promote and energize stimulating and high-quality research in the emerging themes of information systems. The language of publication is French and, exceptionally, English.
Scientific Board
Guillaume CABANAC
L’objectif de la revue est de fournir un espace pour la publication de recherches francophones disciplinaires ou interdisciplinaires, méthodologiques ou appliquées autour de l’ingénierie des systèmes d’information. Les contributions ont pour but de formaliser la conception, la mise en œuvre et l’évaluation des systèmes d’information. La revue vise à promouvoir et dynamiser des recherches stimulantes et de haute qualité dans les thématiques émergentes des systèmes d’information. La langue de publication est le français et, à titre exceptionnel, l’anglais.
Conseil scientifique
Guillaume CABANAC
Ce numéro spécial de la revue Open SI regroupe quelques articles d’INFORSID’22 en version étendue. Ils ont été choisis d’une part pour leur qualité scientifique, mais aussi pour leur représentativité des sujets qui animent la communauté. Nous remercions les auteurs de leur contribution, tout comme les relecteurs de ces nouvelles versions. Si tous les articles sont orientés modèles et méthodes ils s’adressent cependant à des champs différents.
Data is a strategic asset for organizations. Assessing its value provides companies with a mean to identify strategies that offer a competitive advantage and to measure their informational capital. There is neither an approach nor a set of standards and rules to apply for this valuation due to the intangible nature of data. In this paper, we propose an approach combining an enriched concept of data value, a conceptual model including this concept and the notion of context, and a value assessment method based on this model. The originality is to combine risk-based approaches with the more classical approaches to the valuation of tangible assets (cost, market, or income approaches). The approach is confronted with several real cases from the literature allowing a validation of its usefulness and added value.
Sheet music scores have been the traditional way to preserve and disseminate Western classical music works for centuries. Nowadays, their content can be encoded in digital formats that yield a very detailed representation of music content expressed in the language of music notation. These encoded (digital) scores constitute an invaluable asset for digital library services such as search, analysis, clustering, and recommendations. In this paper, we propose a model of the musical content of digital score as graph data, which can be stored in a graph database management system. We then discuss the querying of such data through graph pattern queries. We also describe a proof-of-concept of the approach that allows uploading music scores in a Neo4j database, and expressing searches and analyses through graph pattern queries with the query language Cypher.
The objective of the article is to show the co-design of daily mobility services for seniors in rural and peri-urban areas through a continuous improvement method enriched with fragments of methods (Design Thinking, scenario-by-design, innovation by usages) in order to take into account the complexity of mobility services required by end-users (permanent changes, immediacy, specific constraints). Creating services on the fly is not easily compatible with design methods for socio-technical ecosystems which require fairly stable procedures. In this article, we present the reference framework (As-Is/As-If), the ecosystem study phases (analysis, diagnosis and innovation), the augmentation of the method by adding other methods fragments and a summary of the proposed service innovations. We also present the experiments carried out and the serious game created to facilitate the co-construction of mobility services.
This paper is part of the DA3T project in collaboration with geographers. The objective is to propose methods and tools to process mobility tracks in order to improve their analysis and consequently touristic territory planning and valorization. As part of the design of a module for computing similarity for computing similarity between two semantic trajectories, we present two new similarity measures addressing all three dimensions (i.e. spatial, temporal and thematic).
Ce numéro spécial de la revue Open ISI regroupe des extensions d’articles sélectionnés d’INFORSID 2021.
Detection and characterization of polarization are of major interest in Social Network Analysis, especially to identify conflictual topics that animate the interactions between users. As gatekeepers of their community, users in the boundaries significantly contribute to its polarization. We propose ERIS, a formal graph approach relying on community boundaries and users’ interactions to compute two metrics : the community antagonism and the porosity of boundaries. These values assess the degree of opposition between communities and their aversion to external exposure, allowing an understanding of the overall polarization through the behaviors of the different communities. We also present an implementation based on matrix computations, freely available online. We compare our method with existing solutions. Finally, we apply our proposal on real data harvested from Twitter with a case study about the vaccines and the COVID-19.
In December 2019, an epidemic of pneumonia attributed to a new coronavirus started in the Chinese city of Wuhan. Its global spread led the WHO to declare the COVID-19 epidemic a pandemic on March 11, 2020. Europe has also been hit by the epidemic and has experienced successive confinements to limit the pressure on health care systems. However, some countries (e.g. Taiwan and South Korea) have been better able to contain the pandemic, as evidenced by significantly lower mortality figures. In these countries, digital technology is often an important part of the government’s response to the pandemic. In this research, we focus on the adoption of mobile contact tracing applications, which are widely deployed in Europe on the model of comparable Asian projects. On the one hand, we highlight the disconnection between the state of knowledge, formal or experiential, of proximity tracing applications. On the other hand, thanks to the analysis of the decision making process in front of this innovation, for governments and citizens, we identify two distinct modalities of consent, free or directed. We prefer a local diffusion strategy to global diffusion strategies and propose an application to the university context.
Detection of real-world events using online data sources is a trending topic in the information retrieval domain. Multiple data sources are potentially of interest and some of them are data streams. There are multiple data sources that are potentially interesting, and some of them are textual data streams, structured or unstructured. We propose to analyse the problem of event detection from text data stream and to focus particularly on the importance of the representation of the textual data. To do so, we compare multiple approaches in different contexts: supervised and unsupervised. We focus on the performances of Transformer-based architectures for event detection on short text documents, and we conclude that, contrary to previous studies, these architectures can be competitive compared to classical methods.
The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) dramatically affects the way organizations approach data privacy, forcing them to rethink and upgrade their business processes in order to comply with GDPR. Through this systematic literature review (SLR) we examine the primary studies, identify the research carried out and the methods that are proposed, applied and integrated into a business process life cycle (as defined by BPM) to cope with this new regulation.
Editorial Board
Editor in Chief
ESSEC Business School
Vice Editor in Chief
Christine VERDIER
Université Grenoble Alpes
Olivier TESTE
IRIT, Université de Toulouse