Social Sciences and Humanities > Home > Modeling and Using Context > CONTEXT-21 Special Issue > Article
Patrick Brézillon
LIP6 – Sorbonne Université
Roy M. Turner
University of Maine
Published on 1 July 2021 DOI :
The CONTEXT conference series has brought together researchers and practitioners from a wide range of disciplines and industries to present their work related to issues of context, contextual reasoning, and context-awareness to discuss commonalities and diversities in the different disciplinary approaches. It is unique in focusing on context as a subject of study in its own right, and it has become one of the top venues for context-related research.
The CONTEXT conference series has brought together researchers and practitioners from a wide range of disciplines and industries to present their work related to issues of context, contextual reasoning, and context-awareness to discuss commonalities and diversities in the different disciplinary approaches. It is unique in focusing on context as a subject of study in its own right, and it has become one of the top venues for context-related research.