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IdO - ISSN 2514-8273 - © ISTE Ltd
– Ended in 2023 –
Internet of Things publishes articles that include :
- The industrial and technological reality of connected objects in the management of an enterprise, in e-administration, but also in body language (pedometer, gaze direction, GPS, etc.)
- The role played today by connected objects in daily life, in health, habitat, automobiles, insurance, education, that are being disrupted by this mutation of the network.
The articles can also include information and communication sciences that have a link with the Internet of Things.
- Arrêt de la revue en 2023 -
Internet des objets publie des articles qui intègrent :
– la réalité industrielle et technologique des objets connectés dans la gestion de l’entreprise, l’e-administration, mais aussi dans la gestuelle (podomètre, direction du regard, GPS, etc.) ;
– le rôle joué aujourd’hui par les objets connectés dans la vie quotidienne comme la santé, l’habitat, l’automobile, l’assurance, l’éducation, qui sont en train d’être bouleversés par cette mutation du réseau.
Les articles peuvent également couvrir les sciences de l’information et de la communication connectées à l’Internet des objets.
Nous avons le plaisir de présenter le 4ème numéro de la revue “Internet des objets”. Il est constitué de six articles qui traitent plusieurs facettes de l’Internet des objets à la fois les techniques et les usages. Ci-dessous, nous présentons les résumés des articles.
In this article we outline some possible changes in the configurations of health governance modes, in the context of the development of connected objects, epigenetics and the molecularization of individuation processes.
Smart environment needs a lot of sensors in different places. The cost of these sensors is expensive, and to reduce this cost we proposed a mobile robot. This robot carries a range of different sensors that will sense the surrounding environment and send data to the objects in the environment. Since our robot consist of a set of sensors, this can eliminate the possibility of using a huge number of sensor and placing those senssors on all the environment. The process of communication between the robot and the objects in the environment through the MQTT protocol. The IoT Things can control the robot directly through orders received by the robot.
The Internet of Things (IoT) is an emerging technology with a huge potential for a very wide applicability. “IoT can be defined as an intelligent pervasive environment, based on a continuing proliferation of intelligent networks, wireless sensors and a massive data centers; the basic idea of IoT is that, virtually every small or large physical thing in this world can be a computer connected to the Internet. There are many fields of research on IoT technology with a wide number of application domains”. In this paper, we had interested to smart systems based on IoT technology. We have proposed a new smart multitenant solution based on IoT and cloud computing technologies which push classic systems (agricultural, healthcare or industrial) to be connected, and enhanced with a system offering a Web Application (Dashboard) to monitor, supervise and control an important number of objects (machine or human) geographically separated. In this paper, we propose an IoT based generic solution for smart systems and we have implemented and tested it on two study cases (Agriculture, industy).
This paper aimed to develop a solution for a remote and Real Time monitoring for energy consumption through a smart meter technology. Firstly, we will discover the energy management system by highlighting its role in the smart supervision and energy management. Secondly, we proposed an architecture of an IoT based system implementing specific communication technologies for connected objects. Finally, we designed and implemented our multi- protocol smart metering solution for a remote energy monitoring.
Nous avons le plaisir de présenter le 3ème numéro de la revue “Internet des objets”. Il est composé
de six articles qui traitent plusieurs facettes de l’Internet des objets à la fois les techniques et les
usages. Ci-dessous, nous présentons les résumés des articles.
This article is a deepening of our article that was published in 2017 in the journal. We took some elements but we also developed other concepts to make a consequent synthesis on the IoT. We present, 1) Connected Object (OC), 2) Internet of Things: Definition, 3) Steps and Technologies in the IoT Ecosystem, 4) IoT to the Internet of Everything (IoE), 5) IoT and Big Data, 6) Cloud computing applied to Big Data and IoT, 8) Data Science and IoT, 9) Issues and challenges of IoT, 10) Opportunities and threats of the IoT ecosystem, 11) Security of the IoT, 12) Blockchain and IoT, and 13) in conclusion, we summarize the perspectives of Ido.
The article presents a way to represent privacy in the context of the Internet of Things via
diagrams. Using pretopology, we study how to create a graphical and conceptual organization of privacy that can allow its parameterization by manipulation of the graphical elements of the diagram. In the first part of this article, we define what privacy is and we present important work that deals with this topic. Then, we present some concepts of pretopology and we detail the interest in using it for our modelling. In the second part, we study the modelling of privacy in the Internet of Things by using the example of a smart watch. Finally, we conclude by discussing future work from this article.
We propose in this article to analyse children’s activity during the use of a digital and tangible artifact destined to create and listen stories (Lunii - La fabrique à histoires). Our study, based on ten childrens, builds on ergonomics process study an artefact in use. Collected data are analysed through Rabardel’s instrumental theory to set up schemes and genesis present during Lunii’s use. We mobilize complementarily Vygotski’s theory of creative imagination to answer to this question: what is the influence of this narrative and connected artefact on the development of the creativity?
This article deals with the uses of connected objects in the field of service design and mHealth. It is based
on a design-driven research, a work-in-progress in collaboration with the University Hospital in Nîmes. The objective is to
show, by experimenting and prototyping, that a digital service, incorporated in a care network can be useful to detect, take
care of and follow insomniac patients. The article aims at answer to the following questions: how can the design of
mHealth technologies drives to rethink at the same time the cooperation between health professionals, the patient’s
journey map, and the role of the different stakeholders? How can we imagine a use of health datas and their visualisation
framed in a human-centered vision of technologies and social innovation in order to improve therapeutic education? How
digital interface, connected objects and datavisualisation can transform the communication between the patients, and
health professionals and the administrations? From the observation of the current uses on the field to the co-design with
the stakeholders of a service prototype, we try to explore the necessary conditions to favour the communication between
health professionals and patients based on a device designed for these users. The objective of this article is also to
explain the contribution of connected objects to Healthcare, as long as they are integrated in care’s professionals
Editorial Board
Editor in Chief
Paragraphe – Université Paris 8
Mehdi AMMI
Université Paris Sud
Richard CHBEIR
Université de Pau
Christophe KOLSKI
Université de Valenciennes
Jean-Max NOYER
Université de Toulon
Université de Franche-Comté
Université Paris 8
Appel à articles : Internet des objets (n°4)