Titre : When colors are born from the womb. An introduction to responsible design and biosourced colors Auteurs : Céline Caumon, Revue : Technology and Innovation Numéro : Issue 1 Volume : 10 Date : 2025/01/10 DOI : 10.21494/ISTE.OP.2025.1244 ISSN : 2399-8571 Résumé : We rarely pay attention to the functions and uses of color. Yet color is part of our daily lives, and is as much a part of the history, culture, technology and health of individuals as it is of their environments. Design at the service of color, color at the service of design generates, that is to say, invents and designs projects and products geared to the right needs of men and women. As an introduction to responsible design and color; through a panorama of collaborative approaches, research carried out in workshop-laboratories and consultancies; and through an analysis of future societal trends, this text attempts to formulate the issues, conceptions, representations and postures of a biosourced design-color between the arts and sciences, territories and economic heritage, fashion and beauty, food and care, as design as methodological alternatives and future production methods to counter the imaginary commercialism promoted by current design models. Éditeur : ISTE OpenScience