TY - Type of reference TI - Trust and automation bias: differences between novices and experts in a military context AU - Anne-Lise Marchand AU - Nicolas Maille AU - Pauline Munoz AU - Laurent Chaudron AB - This study examines whether the automation bias in situations of arbitration between human and AI-based assistance varies as a function of individuals’ psychosocial characteristics. The literature highlights the robustness of the automation bias in decision-making situations with a single aid, but a few recent studies mobilizing the dual decision aid paradigm identify more nuanced results, particularly as a function of participants’ characteristics. 2 groups of participants (37 military pilot students vs. 37 operational pilots) are engaged in an close air support mission simulation, where they must choose between information provided by a human aid and that provided by an AI-based automated aid. Trust in these aids is induced a priori by predefined levels of reliability (20%, 50%, 70% 90%). With equal reliability, when young participants and experts are confronted with a human aid and an AI-based aid, they have a preference for the human aid. However, this preference is greater for experts. The study questions the invariability of automation bias, highlighting the impact of the operator’s psychosocial characteristics on decision-making. It seems necessary to reconsider the automation bias in modern contexts through individual representations of technologies to optimize the design of decision support systems. DO - 10.21494/ISTE.OP.2024.1239 JF - Cognitive Engineering KW - Artificial Intelligence, Automation Bias, Decision-making, Man Machine Teaming, Reliability, Trust, Biais d’automatisation, Confiance, Fiabilité, Man Machine Teaming, Intelligence artificielle, Prise de décision, L1 - https://openscience.fr/IMG/pdf/iste_ingecog24v7n2_6.pdf LA - en PB - ISTE OpenScience DA - 2024/12/20 SN - 2517-6978 TT - Confiance et biais d’automatisation : différences entre novices et experts dans un contexte militaire UR - https://openscience.fr/Trust-and-automation-bias-differences-between-novices-and-experts-in-a-military IS - Issue 2 VL - 7 ER -