TY - Type of reference TI - Preface AU - Taher AbuAlrub AU - Sadok Kallel AU - Hana Sulieman AU - Amjad Tuffah AB - This special volume of Advances in Pure and Applied Mathematics “APAM” is dedicated to the third International Conference on Mathematics and Statistics (AUS-ICMS2020) held at the American University of Sharjah in the United Arab Emirates, 6th -9th February 2020. The volume consists of eight invited peer reviewed articles covering different areas of mathematics by accomplished mathematicians. DO - JF - Advances in Pure and Applied Mathematics KW - Advances in Pure and Applied Mathematics, APAM, special issue, International Conference on Mathematics and Statistics, ICMS2020, Advances in Pure and Applied Mathematics, APAM, special issue, International Conference on Mathematics and Statistics, ICMS2020, L1 - https://openscience.fr/IMG/pdf/iste_apam21v12nspe_preface.pdf LA - en PB - ISTE OpenScience DA - 2021/07/28 SN - 1869-6090 TT - Préface UR - https://openscience.fr/Preface-1985 IS - Issue 3 (Special AUS-ICMS 2020) VL - 12 ER -