TY - Type of reference TI - The contribution of science fiction to technoscientific discourses on the conquest of Mars AU - Thomas Michaud AB - The conquest of Mars is an issue that goes beyond the scope of scientific curiosity. Although exploration is mainly produced and financed by the public sector, the deployment of manned missions with the aim of creating a Martian civilization could be provided by private actors. Science fiction was inspired by these discourses to propose an imaginary whose function is studied in this article. After examining the contribution of this genre to the elaboration of the speeches of the Mars Society and of the entrepreneur Elon Musk, this study questions the construction of ideological micro-discourses such as Marsism. This neologism refers to the passage from science fiction to technological ideologies, particularly influential in the dynamics of capitalism. Exploring the imaginary is important for stimulating R&D and for merging the interests and expectations of engineers, innovators and the public. DO - 10.21494/ISTE.OP.2019.0392 JF - Technology and Innovation KW - Science fiction, marsism, ideologies, technotypes, innovation, engineers, planet Mars, Science-fiction, marsisme, idéologies, technotypes, innovation, ingénieurs, planète Mars, L1 - https://openscience.fr/IMG/pdf/iste_techinn19v4n3_7.pdf LA - en PB - ISTE OpenScience DA - 2019/06/4 SN - 2399-8571 TT - L’apport de la science-fiction aux discours technoscientifiques sur la conquête de Mars UR - https://openscience.fr/The-contribution-of-science-fiction-to-technoscientific-discourses-on-the IS - Science fiction et conception de l’innovation
VL - 4 ER -