@ARTICLE{10.21494/ISTE.OP.2025.1251, TITLE={Tourism, heritage and crafts}, AUTHOR={Patrice Ballester, }, JOURNAL={City and Tourism}, VOLUME={3}, NUMBER={Issue 1}, YEAR={2025}, URL={https://openscience.fr/Tourism-heritage-and-crafts}, DOI={10.21494/ISTE.OP.2025.1251}, ISSN={2976-5897}, ABSTRACT={Tourism, heritage and crafts are intertwined to shape the tourism economy, culture and identity of territories. This third volume of Cité et Tourisme, City & Tourism explores these themes through two European studies exploring the links between urban cultural tourism and crafts. Caught between modernization, globalization and health crisis, territories benefit from the opportunities offered by tourism and events, while being forced to adapt. The importance of preserving know-how to maintain authentic local production requires adapting the means of training and craft sales. In this issue, heritage is associated with sustainable mobility and the rehabilitation of historic buildings. The image of the destination is a challenge for European metropolises that must reconcile the fact of being ever more attractive while being respectful of their environment, their history and local craft resources. Finally, innovation and training are the pillars of the return to authenticity in a redesigned heritage framework as for the restoration and reopening of the Cathedral of Notre-Dame de Paris in December 2024 showing the heritage and sociological stake of national pride. Cultural identity is valued and by ricochet becomes an instrument to think about new sustainable mobility and the fact of rethinking the financing of architectural rehabilitations. This volume brings new issues and analyses concerning the risks and the relevance of sustainable solutions committed to tangible and intangible heritage, this for a local development of small towns and the emergence of a circular artisanal economy generating economic growth.}}