@ARTICLE{10.21494/ISTE.OP.2024.1217, TITLE={Saint Mary Magdalene, Rediscovery of a forgotten masterpiece by Raphael Sanzio}, AUTHOR={Stefano Fortunati , Nathalie Nolde , Jean-Charles Pomerol , Duong Thoaï N’Guyen , Alessandro Casati, }, JOURNAL={Art and Science}, VOLUME={8}, NUMBER={Issue 2}, YEAR={2024}, URL={https://openscience.fr/Saint-Mary-Magdalene-Rediscovery-of-a-forgotten-masterpiece-by-Raphael-Sanzio}, DOI={10.21494/ISTE.OP.2024.1217}, ISSN={2515-8767}, ABSTRACT={This study focuses on an Italian Renaissance painting depicting Saint Mary Magdalene, dated circa 1505/1506. By combining their expertise, the art historian, the scientist, the restorer and the painting expert each contributes their know-how to deepen the understanding of this artwork and its historical context. The investigations undertaken have revived the memory of a portrait by Raphael Sanzio, considered lost since 1631 and which had sunk into oblivion.}}