@ARTICLE{10.21494/ISTE.OP.2020.0568, TITLE={Multiobjective Optimization of NACA0012 Airfoil based Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm}, AUTHOR={Soufiane Elouardi, Rabii El Maani, Bouchaïb Radi, }, JOURNAL={Uncertainties and Reliability of Multiphysical Systems}, VOLUME={4}, NUMBER={Issue 1}, YEAR={2020}, URL={https://openscience.fr/Multiobjective-Optimization-of-NACA0012-Airfoil-based-Non-dominated-Sorting}, DOI={10.21494/ISTE.OP.2020.0568}, ISSN={2514-569X}, ABSTRACT={Multidisciplinary optimization techniques become more and more applied in the field of aerodynamics due to the rapid development of computers high-performance, numerical methods and optimization algorithms. These techniques coupled with Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD), which aims to incorporate mathematical relations and algorithms to analyze and solve fluid flow problems, involve the use of those numerical methods and algorithms to improve the fluid flow solutions. CFD analysis of an airfoil determines its ability by producing results such as lift and drag forces, and the application of an optimization algorithm involves manipulating these aerodynamic performances according to the requirements. In this work, a numerical investigation, using ANSYS/FLUENT software, of two-dimensional transonic flow over a NACA0012 airfoil was conducted and compared with the provided experimental data. Then a multiobjective optimization algorithm, based on a Non-dominated Sorting genetic algorithm (NSGA-II), was coupled with FLUENT in order to obtain an improved performance control of the aerodynamic coefficients of the airfoil.}}