@ARTICLE{10.21494/ISTE.OP.2020.0526, TITLE={The Tronçais National Forest (Allier): from the LiDAR acquisition to the archaeological field approach}, AUTHOR={Laure Laüt, }, JOURNAL={Digital Archaeology}, VOLUME={4}, NUMBER={Issue 1}, YEAR={2020}, URL={https://openscience.fr/The-Troncais-National-Forest-Allier-from-the-LiDAR-acquisition-to-the}, DOI={10.21494/ISTE.OP.2020.0526}, ISSN={2515-7574}, ABSTRACT={The national forest of Tronçais is one of the most beautiful oak forests in Europe, covering 11,600 hectares in the center of France, in Allier. Known for a long time to shelter remains, especially Gallo-Roman, this forest and its surroundings have benefited from a LidarLiDAR acquisition in 2016. Very many anthropic reliefs were then observed, which largely complement our vision of ancient occupations in this area. A diachronic surveying program was set up in 2017-2019, in order to check on the field these clues, to characterize better the structures and to date them. In this paper, the procedures of these ground interventions, combining visual survey, collecting of artifacts on the ground and use of a metal detector, are detailed. It is also an opportunity to make an initial assessment of the assets and limits of the archaeological exploitation of LidarLiDAR data in this forest area. Thus, we can distinguish the remains that we see much better thanks to ALS (buildings, enclosures, mounds, quarries, ponds, coal platforms), those that have appeared entirely (field systems), but also those that we do not see yet (prehistoric occupations, structures in perishable materials) and which are still largely lacking to our knowledge.}}