@ARTICLE{10.21494/ISTE.OP.2019.0351, TITLE={Collecting, managing and promoting data on flint deposits and sites in France: for shared cartographic and publishing platforms.}, AUTHOR={Christophe Tuffery, Paul Fernandes, Vincent Delvigne, Céline Bressy-Leandri, Stéphane Renault, }, JOURNAL={Digital Archaeology}, VOLUME={3}, NUMBER={Issue 1
Proceedings of the session n° III-3 (CA) of the XVIII° UISPP congress, Paris, June 2018 Session III-3 (CA). Construire des référentiels partagés : Webmapping et archéologie.
}, YEAR={2019}, URL={https://openscience.fr/Collecting-managing-and-promoting-data-on-flint-deposits-and-sites-in-France}, DOI={10.21494/ISTE.OP.2019.0351}, ISSN={2515-7574}, ABSTRACT={Over the past ten years, several resolutely interdisciplinary Projets Collectifs de Recherche (PCR), have produced a set of descriptive data on the main flints associated with their primary and secondary deposits in southern and central France using a new method for the characterization of siliceous materials. This work is in the process of convergence and harmonization within the framework of a Research Group (GDR) supported by the CNRS and the Ministry of Cultural Heritage for five years. This new framework allows the community of scientists concerned in various fields to consider enhancing the value of data collected over several years on lithic georesources by adopting harmonized practices at different stages of the data life cycle, from collection to online publication, in accordance with FAIR principles.}}