@ARTICLE{, TITLE={Functionalization of 2-bromo acrolein acetals through halogen-metal exchange reaction}, AUTHOR={Quentin Llopis, GĂ©rard Guillamot, Phannarath Phansavath, Virginie Ratovelomanana-Vidal, }, JOURNAL={Catalysis by Transition Metals}, VOLUME={1}, NUMBER={Issue 1}, YEAR={2019}, URL={https://openscience.fr/Functionalization-of-2-bromo-acrolein}, DOI={}, ISSN={}, ABSTRACT={This literature overview presents the functionalization of 2-bromoacrolein acetals to their lithiated equivalents by halogen-metal exchange reaction and their addition to electrophiles. The transformation of these organolithium reagents into organocuprates is also presented, as well as their use in conjugated addition or nucleophilic substitution reactions.}}