@ARTICLE{, TITLE={Use of a Choquet Integral in an item-based recommendation system and a multicriteria active filtering, application to jeans recommendation and perspectives}, AUTHOR={Christophe Terrien, }, JOURNAL={From Data to Decision}, VOLUME={2}, NUMBER={Issue 1}, YEAR={2018}, URL={https://openscience.fr/Use-of-a-Choquet-Integral-in-an-item-based-recommendation-system-and-a}, DOI={}, ISSN={}, ABSTRACT={Though far from recent, the Choquet integral is at present the subject of an abundant literature in operational research. That tool opens perspectives of interesting applications in the marketing field, in particular in the implementation of recommendations systems based on multiple criteria. The integral of Choquet is interesting in the development of an attitude model because it makes it possible to take into account the relations of dependence between criteria. This paper proposes a practical use of the Choquet integral in an item-based recommendation system based on a multicriteria active filtering.}}