@ARTICLE{10.21494/ISTE.OP.2017.0134, TITLE={The Internet of Things, the Internet of "Everything": some remarks on the intensification of the world’s digital folding}, AUTHOR={Jean-Max Noyer, }, JOURNAL={Internet of Things}, VOLUME={1}, NUMBER={Issue 1}, YEAR={2017}, URL={https://openscience.fr/The-Internet-of-Things-the-Internet-of-Everything-some-remarks-on-the}, DOI={10.21494/ISTE.OP.2017.0134}, ISSN={2514-8273}, ABSTRACT={We propose a brief look of what could be an (open) set of problems and researches constructed from the field of SHS and aimed at the multiple dynamics of the digital folding of the current world and within the framework of the Internet of the Objects. At the same time, we point to a few markers to the extent of bio-technical and bio-political evolution by non-organic means, which is at the heart of the “artificialization of the world” as well as the extension of robotic and automation processes. We also show the effects that the Internet of the Objects has on our “milieux of intelligence” as well as its increasingly strong coupling with the transformation of the urbanization process. This artificialization of urban environments goes hand in hand with the emergence of the global consumerist middle class. Moreover, radically new social physics and biosociality (associated with Big Data) tend to converge more and more explicitly. This opens up a vast field of reflection and raises many problems. The Internet of the Objects expresses the depth and the uncertain character of the anthropological and collective evolution that is now actualizing.}}