@ARTICLE{10.21494/ISTE.OP.2024.1198, TITLE={Forme des composantes connexes de la somme booléenne de deux digraphes (≤ 5)-hypomorphes à complémentaire près}, AUTHOR={Aymen Ben Amira , Jamel Dammak , Hamza Si Kaddour, }, JOURNAL={Avancées en Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées}, VOLUME={15}, NUMBER={Numéro 4 (Septembre 2024)}, YEAR={2024}, URL={https://openscience.fr/Forme-des-composantes-connexes-de-la-somme-booleenne-de-deux-digraphes-%E2%89%A4-5}, DOI={10.21494/ISTE.OP.2024.1198}, ISSN={1869-6090}, ABSTRACT={Let $$$G=(V,E)$$$ and $$$G'=(V,E')$$$ be two digraphs, $$$(\leq 5)$$$-hypomorphic up to complementation, and $$$U:=G\dot{+} G'$$$ be the boolean sum of $$$G$$$ and $$$G'$$$. The case where $$$U$$$ and $$$\overline U$$$ are both connected was studied by the authors and B.Chaari giving the form of the pair$$$\{G, G'\}$$$. In this paper we study the case where $$$U$$$ is not connected and give the morphology of the pair $$$\{G_{\restriction {V({\mathcal C})}},G'_{\restriction {V({\mathcal C})}}\}$$$ whenever $$$C$$$ is a connected component of $$$U$$$.}}