@ARTICLE{TBA, TITLE={[FORTHCOMING] The French army’s Red Team program, a bet on the dysperformativity of science fiction}, AUTHOR={Thomas Michaud, }, JOURNAL={Technology and Innovation}, VOLUME={}, NUMBER={Forthcoming papers}, YEAR={2024}, URL={https://openscience.fr/The-French-army-s-Red-Team-program-a-bet-on-the-dysperformativity-of-science}, DOI={TBA}, ISSN={2399-8571}, ABSTRACT={The French army’s Red Team program consists of creating science fiction stories with the aim of anticipating conflicts that could threaten the territory by 2030-2060. Part of the trend of institutional science fiction, it is based on the capacity to arouse the cognitive strangeness dear to Darko Suvin and to create novum (imaginary technologies) vectors of difficulties, but also of solutions in the wars of the future. If certain novum have a performative function, the diegesis, that is to say the spatiotemporal environment of the story, takes on more of a dysperformative dimension. These stories seek to arouse the reaction of soldiers to imaginary dangers so that they implement strategies in advance to avoid their occurrence. Science fiction authors capture the unconscious of organizations and reveal their prophetic imaginaries. Innovism is also a true ideology pragmatically using the imaginary to question the established order and generate new ideas that are sources of creative destruction. The Red Team also brings the French army into a regime of historicity oriented towards the future, more than towards the battles of the past. Science fiction is also a paradoxical genre, involving a specific interpretation of reality and the future. It is therefore appropriate to question the advantages and possible disadvantages linked to the use of a paradoxical vision of the future in the development of an organization’s strategies aimed above all at efficiency and pragmatism.}}