@ARTICLE{10.21494/ISTE.OP.2022.0880, TITLE={Prospective analysis and proposal of a model of localized coevolution between science, technology and innovation in Senegal}, AUTHOR={Cheikh Abdou Lahad Thiaw, }, JOURNAL={Science, Technology, Development}, VOLUME={2}, NUMBER={Issue 1}, YEAR={2022}, URL={https://openscience.fr/Prospective-analysis-and-proposal-of-a-model-of-localized-coevolution-between}, DOI={10.21494/ISTE.OP.2022.0880}, ISSN={2752-6879}, ABSTRACT={In a changing global economy, innovation is regarded as the driving force of economies and raises questions about the ideal structure of developing countries’ economic environment. In this context, the coevolution between science, technology and innovation (ST-I) is a determining factor for the emergence of Senegal. While the localization of innovation has been the subject of many research studies, few studies have tackled the interrelation between these three concepts or the impact of their localized coevolution on the economic development processes of countries. However, the combination of the conducive conditions necessary for the success of such coevolution seems to currently be limited in Senegal, so the establishment of a national innovation system and the promotion of localized innovation are needed to boost the competitiveness of companies and to solidify the economy. In fact, the country must upgrade its political strategies to strengthen its innovation capabilities, consolidate its institutions and organize its economic actors.}}