@ARTICLE{10.21494/ISTE.OP.2022.0822, TITLE={Some thoughts inspired by Borges}, AUTHOR={Thierry Gaudin, }, JOURNAL={Art and Science}, VOLUME={6}, NUMBER={Issue 2
}, YEAR={2022}, URL={https://openscience.fr/Some-thoughts-inspired-by-Borges}, DOI={10.21494/ISTE.OP.2022.0822}, ISSN={2515-8767}, ABSTRACT={In his short story entitled "Tlön uqbar orbis Tertius" Borges imagines a world in which things exist because of the imagination of humans. He takes the example of a walk that would have disappeared because a beggar would have given up coming there to beg. He thus admits that the human imagination gives things their existence. If he were still of this world -but has he really left it- he would see in Science, which has progressed by challenging the invisible and the imperceptible, the discreet emergence of another world, the one beyond human perception, the one where the imaginary makes up for the insufficiencies of reality.}}