@ARTICLE{10.21494/ISTE.OP.2022.0815, TITLE={Les Éonautes (2012-2020) The experience of a video game for learning French}, AUTHOR={Laurence Schmoll, Patrick Schmoll, }, JOURNAL={Educations}, VOLUME={6}, NUMBER={Issue 1}, YEAR={2022}, URL={https://openscience.fr/Les-Eonautes-2012-2020-The-experience-of-a-video-game-for-learning-French}, DOI={10.21494/ISTE.OP.2022.0815}, ISSN={2632-590X}, ABSTRACT={Les Éonautes is a learning game developed for learning French as a foreign language (FLE) and released in 2012. It is probably the first video game to have been produced specifically for FLE, and is one of the very first video games for language learning. But it failed to meet the market, and the discontinuation by Adobe of the Flash technology, on which the animations are based, led to its interruption in April 2020. The purpose of this article is to provide feedback on this game, highlight its innovations, and analyze the reasons of the commercial failure.}}