@ARTICLE{10.21494/ISTE.OP.2021.0667, TITLE={Mathematical modeling for the simulation of aggregative processes}, AUTHOR={Vittorio Cocchi, Rossana Morandi, }, JOURNAL={Entropy: Thermodynamics – Energy – Environment – Economy }, VOLUME={2}, NUMBER={Issue 1}, YEAR={2021}, URL={https://openscience.fr/Mathematical-modeling-for-the-simulation-of-aggregative-processes}, DOI={10.21494/ISTE.OP.2021.0667}, ISSN={2634-1476}, ABSTRACT={Through the use of the statistical concept of allocation entropy and by combining theoretical elements derived from statistical thermodynamics and information theory, a Markovian expression of the absolute entropy of a gaseous mixture is achieved. In the formula, the quality of the gas is represented by the entropy of a Markov source describing the mixture in terms of concentrations of single types of particles involved. The special structure of this formula opens the way for the construction of a theoretical model for the study of codified aggregative phenomena. The concepts of “ideal elementary particle” and “ideal aggregate” are firstly defined and then a particular reaction is proposed as a hypothetical aggregative process. Then, relations that describe the thermodynamics of the formation process of even very complex structures are obtained as a consequence of the combination rules. These are expressed in terms of “coding factor”, a kind of necessity rate on a random basis. In fact, thanks to the use of the Markovian expression of absolute entropy, the elaborated model allows the use of more or less stringent aggregation codes so as to simulate environments totally dominated by chance or totally deterministic, passing with continuity through all possible intermediate situations. Finally, the structure of the model permits to distinguish between processes that develop as a consequence of aggregative inclinations implicit in the system itself (autopoietic processes) and processes that develop as a consequence of the ordering action of entities outside the system (heteropoietic processes).}}