@ARTICLE{, TITLE={Socio-cognitive issues of commitment: sustainability in school contexts}, AUTHOR={Olivier Morin, Jean-Marc Lange, Angela Barthes, }, JOURNAL={Educations}, VOLUME={4}, NUMBER={Special issue}, YEAR={2021}, URL={https://openscience.fr/Socio-cognitive-issues-of-commitment-sustainability-in-school-contexts}, DOI={}, ISSN={2632-590X}, ABSTRACT={This research follows the perspective of political, emancipatory, critical, creative, and engaging education allowing tto overcome two fundamental epistemic and social inhibitions which generate doubt or even renunciation of individual or collective possibilities to transform the world for an ecological transition. Five profiles of the eco-citizen engagement of young people arriving at the end of compulsory education (14-17 years) were established by means of a questionnaire survey (n = 170) updating and thus specifying the results obtained during a previous research. These results are now completed by the sociological and territorial characterization, but also cognitive dimensions, such as Socio Scientific Reasoning in the perspective of Sustainability, of the five profiles, by means of focus groups. The dynamics of interactions, the relationship to knowledge and to the World, in relation to identity, as well as social and epistemic dimensions, are taken into account in this framework and parameterized in order to determine contextualized and therefore more efficient socio-didactic strategies.}}