@ARTICLE{10.21494/ISTE.OP.2021.0671, TITLE={Web-based university education in Tunisia: promises and obstacles to its adoption}, AUTHOR={Khaoula Ouni Ghobtane, Henia Ben Amor, }, JOURNAL={Science, Technology, Development}, VOLUME={1}, NUMBER={Issue 1}, YEAR={2021}, URL={https://openscience.fr/Web-based-university-education-in-Tunisia-promises-and-obstacles-to-its}, DOI={10.21494/ISTE.OP.2021.0671}, ISSN={2752-6879}, ABSTRACT={This article examines the impact of the digitalization of higher education on social inequalities during the health crisis (COVID-19). After a reminder on the expansion of distance education as well as the evaluation of the effectiveness of this new learning paradigm, we go into more depth on the link between distance education and social inequality. Based on an exploratory qualitative study of thirty Tunisian university teachers, the results show that resistance to change and reluctance, the lack of a suitable place to work and the slowness of Internet connection constitute the main obstacles to the adoption of this new way of learning. In addition, our study shows that 60% of teachers consider that distance education is a cruel accelerator of social inequalities for both teachers and students.}}