Titre : ArkeoGIS Auteurs : Loup Bernard, Revue : Digital Archaeology Numéro : Issue 1
Proceedings of the session n° III-3 (CA) of the XVIII° UISPP congress, Paris, June 2018 Session III-3 (CA). Construire des référentiels partagés : Webmapping et archéologie.
Volume : 3 Date : 2019/04/12 DOI : 10.21494/ISTE.OP.2019.0354 ISSN : 2515-7574 Résumé : Online since 2009 and currently in its 4th version, the webGIS ArkeoGIS now benefits from a long experience dealing with compatibility issues and the interoperability of apparently disparate databases. Effectively, data originating from archaeological and (paleo-) environmental studies, whether historic or current, is now available online for professionals via a secure interface. At time of writing, 75 databases are consultable and searchable through an ergonomic interface, in total the data from over 100 000 sites and analyses are exploitable. A unique import and export protocol for data extraction then allows for the data to be reused on other software. In this publication, the stops and starts of data sharing will be brought to the fore after a presentation of the chosen governance solutions, in hoping that we will be able to continue to connect digital projects. Éditeur : ISTE OpenScience