@ARTICLE{, TITLE={The electron-poor vinylcyclopropanes in organometallic catalysis: interesting skeletons with various reactivities}, AUTHOR={Maxime Laugeois, Maxime Vitale, VĂ©ronique Michelet, Virginie Ratovelomanana-Vidal, }, JOURNAL={Catalysis by Transition Metals}, VOLUME={1}, NUMBER={Issue 1}, YEAR={2019}, URL={https://openscience.fr/The-electron-poor-vinylcyclopropanes-in-organometallic-catalysis-interesting}, DOI={}, ISSN={}, ABSTRACT={Vinylcyclopropanes are molecules with extremely rich reactivity and among these, the electron-deficient vinylcyclopropanes have a "donor-acceptor" type polarization which gives them a particular reactivity. This article presents on the one hand the main routes of synthesis of electron-deficient vinylcyclopropanes under stoichiometric and catalytic conditions. On the other hand, the reactivity of the vinylcyclopropanes is presented in the presence of homogeneous organometallic catalysts: the rearrangement processes, functionalization reactions via ring opening and catalytic (3 + 2) cycloaddition reactions.}}