@ARTICLE{10.21494/ISTE.OP.2018.0276, TITLE={Combination of an MAS and a GIS to assist in petro-archaeological prospecting. Exploration of a multi-agent approach in modelling natural flint paths.}, AUTHOR={Christophe Tuffery, Paul Fernandes, Vincent Delvigne, André Morala, }, JOURNAL={Digital Archaeology}, VOLUME={2}, NUMBER={Issue 1}, YEAR={2018}, URL={https://openscience.fr/Combination-of-an-MAS-and-a-GIS-to-assist-in-petro-archaeological-prospecting}, DOI={10.21494/ISTE.OP.2018.0276}, ISSN={2515-7574}, ABSTRACT={The use of multi-agent simulation (MAS), which were engaged as an exploration, aims to simulate potential theoretical paths of siliceous rock fragments, according to a gravity model and altimetry data from various IGN altitude databases. The objective is to identify areas where eroded siliceous rock fragments may have be concentrated. The aim is therefore to target prospecting activities on these theoretical zones to have the best chance of finding concentrations of these rock fragments. This approach is part of the work of several on going Projets Collectifs de Recherche (PCR) "Réseaux de lithothèques". One of the working axes of these projects is to improve the spatial knowledge of flint formations whose prehistoric populations were able to extract resources for their needs. Main principles of SMA and first results, obtained using NetLogo software and a gravity model, are presented and discussed.}}