@ARTICLE{10.21494/ISTE.OP.2019.0373, TITLE={An approach to anticipate PLM solution deployment in a freedom form company – the real case study of Group Poult}, AUTHOR={Vincent Robin, Philippe Girard, Laureline Plo, }, JOURNAL={Industrial and Systems Engineering}, VOLUME={1}, NUMBER={Jeunes Chercheurs du GDR MACS au congrès mondial de l’IFAC - JD MACS 2017}, YEAR={2018}, URL={https://openscience.fr/Une-demarche-pour-anticiper-le-deploiement-d-un-PLM-dans-une-entreprise-liberee-1026}, DOI={10.21494/ISTE.OP.2019.0373}, ISSN={2632-5993}, ABSTRACT={In recent years, industrial companies have been interested in reducing and optimizing the development of their products. This mastery of the product development processes is supported by information systems and software solutions as PLM (Product Lifecycle Management). However, setting up a PLM in a company is not straightforward because the specificities of the tool and its structuring nature particularly sometimes collide with players who are reluctant to change and to well-established corporate organizational cultures. Taking these aspects into account when deploying PLM is even more important when the deployment is to take place in a so-called " freedom-form company", with the organizational structure not-hierarchized and with actors having the feeling of having a large Autonomy in their activities (about the use of the software tools of their choice). Through a real case study in the Group Poult, we will propose in this article preliminary approach to analyze the needs of a company before the implementation of a PLM solution in a freedom-form company.}}