Titre : Knowledge emergence related to eco-innovation: knowledge orientation driven by the green aircraft concept Auteurs : Guillaume Blum, Mehran Ebrahimi, Revue : Technology and Innovation Numéro : Issue 3 Volume : 3 Date : 2018/05/15 DOI : 10.21494/ISTE.OP.2018.0249 ISSN : 2399-8571 Résumé : This article describes and analyzes the impact of cognitive work around eco-innovation on knowledge management practices, particularly in terms of reorientation of knowledge. It addresses the following questions: what are the specificities of environmental knowledge in the aeronautical sector? Do they have an impact on the knowledge development process? The results presented are based on five years of research conducted in the aircraft sector on green aircraft. The data comes from a large body of documents as well as from interviews conducted with 29 key players in Quebec’s aerospace industry. The results and the analysis describe environmental knowledge related to eco-innovations that is too often invisible, because it is not observed and has significant difficulties especially in capturing orders of magnitude. Therefore, the organization of knowledge is different and requires a subtle form of green knowledge. In fact, when this knowledge is more complex, it requires new modes of organization to recognize their greater multidisciplinarity. The orientation of knowledge, linked to the values of individuals, is modified by 1) organizational will, 2) intergenerational exchanges, 3) excitement of discovery and 4) the indirect role of the government. In the last part, we observe that by adding new constraints, the knowledge management process leads to new solutions. The environmental dimension integrates development and production cycles, and new criteria are added to the design phase to energize the “ba” and to change the industrial dynamics of work organization. Éditeur : ISTE OpenScience