Titre : Analysis of children’s activity with a tangible and narrative interface (Lunii ‐ La fabrique à histoires): an instrument for creativity? Auteurs : Laura Anastasio Forcisi, Françoise Decortis, Revue : Internet of Things Numéro : Issue 1 Volume : 2 Date : 2018/02/26 DOI : 10.21494/ISTE.OP.2018.0228 ISSN : 2514-8273 Résumé : We propose in this article to analyse children’s activity during the use of a digital and tangible artifact destined to create and listen stories (Lunii - La fabrique à histoires). Our study, based on ten childrens, builds on ergonomics process study an artefact in use. Collected data are analysed through Rabardel’s instrumental theory to set up schemes and genesis present during Lunii’s use. We mobilize complementarily Vygotski’s theory of creative imagination to answer to this question: what is the influence of this narrative and connected artefact on the development of the creativity? Éditeur : ISTE OpenScience