TY - Type of reference TI - To think a common language of living beings in order to think about the possibilities of an extraterrestrial language AU - Béatrice Fracchiolla AB - The possibility of a language shared by living beings on exoplanets raises the philosophical and fundamental question of what constitutes communication, or even a language. It raises the question of shared meaning at the same time as that of an intention to communicate. We postulate here, above all, the sensoriality of language, linked to its perceptibility, whatever it may be, and an undulatory, even vibratory approach, which seems universal. DO - 10.21494/ISTE.OP.2022.0798 JF - Art and Science KW - language, Sensoriality, Interactions, interspecies communications, sign systems, langage, Sensorialité, Interactions, communications interespèces, systèmes de signes, L1 - http://openscience.fr/IMG/pdf/iste_artsci22v6nspe_9.pdf LA - en PB - ISTE OpenScience DA - 2022/02/3 SN - 2515-8767 TT - Penser un langage du vivant pour penser les possibilités d’un langage extraterrestre par Béatrice Fracchiolla UR - http://openscience.fr/To-think-a-common-language-of-living-beings-in-order-to-think-about-the IS - Special issue VL - 6 ER -