@ARTICLE{10.21494/ISTE.OP.2018.0240, TITLE={Vaporization of an equivalent pastille}, AUTHOR={Roger Prud’homme, Kwassi Anani, }, JOURNAL={Thermodynamics of Interfaces and Fluid Mechanics}, VOLUME={2}, NUMBER={Issue 1}, YEAR={2018}, URL={http://openscience.fr/Vaporization-of-an-equivalent-pastille}, DOI={10.21494/ISTE.OP.2018.0240}, ISSN={2514-4642}, ABSTRACT={The frequency response of a vaporizing pastille-shaped droplet subjected to small standing acoustic oscillations is examined. The motionless droplet is continuously fed so that its volume remains constant during the process. The feeding can be realized with the same liquid at different heat exchange coefficients h and both heat convection and conduction effects inside the droplet are considered. Variation in coefficient h value effects on the evaporating mass response factor and on the liquid thermal field are studied.}}