@ARTICLE{10.21494/ISTE.OP.2018.0216, TITLE={Contribution of digital technology and connected objects to health: towards a user‐centered approach}, AUTHOR={Marie-Julie Catoir-Brisson, }, JOURNAL={Internet of Things}, VOLUME={2}, NUMBER={Issue 1}, YEAR={2018}, URL={http://openscience.fr/Contribution-of-digital-technology-and-connected-objects-to-health-towards-a}, DOI={10.21494/ISTE.OP.2018.0216}, ISSN={2514-8273}, ABSTRACT={This article deals with the uses of connected objects in the field of service design and mHealth. It is based on a design-driven research, a work-in-progress in collaboration with the University Hospital in Nîmes. The objective is to show, by experimenting and prototyping, that a digital service, incorporated in a care network can be useful to detect, take care of and follow insomniac patients. The article aims at answer to the following questions: how can the design of mHealth technologies drives to rethink at the same time the cooperation between health professionals, the patient’s journey map, and the role of the different stakeholders? How can we imagine a use of health datas and their visualisation framed in a human-centered vision of technologies and social innovation in order to improve therapeutic education? How digital interface, connected objects and datavisualisation can transform the communication between the patients, and health professionals and the administrations? From the observation of the current uses on the field to the co-design with the stakeholders of a service prototype, we try to explore the necessary conditions to favour the communication between health professionals and patients based on a device designed for these users. The objective of this article is also to explain the contribution of connected objects to Healthcare, as long as they are integrated in care’s professionals network.}}