@ARTICLE{10.21494/ISTE.OP.2018.0201, TITLE={Conceptual modelling as guidance for helping to build resilient cities}, AUTHOR={Laurie Boschetti, Damienne Provitolo, Emmanuel Tric, }, JOURNAL={Urban Risks}, VOLUME={1}, NUMBER={Issue 1}, YEAR={2017}, URL={http://openscience.fr/Conceptual-modelling-as-guidance-for-helping-to-build-resilient-cities}, DOI={10.21494/ISTE.OP.2018.0201}, ISSN={2516-1857}, ABSTRACT={The resilience concept is use by many fields of study, and has been more and more use by the risk science in the last ten years. It is still difficult today to give a single definition and to found an agreement on its meaning and its application inside the scientific community. In this paper, we are not explaining the different definitions but we are taking an interest in models of implementation of resilience that are available in the literature. We are more specifically focusing on systemic patterns, which are generic or operational and applicable by stakeholders. Research work that we had selected (Panarchy [GUN 02], Cycle Adaptatif [WAL 04], Resilience Alliance [RES 10], Spatial Decision Support System [BAL 13] answered partially to our aim, which is to found an operational framework that helps to build resilient cities. We looked for a new methodology that could be used to build territories and societies resilience. Therefore, we are suggesting a new resilience model, relying on previously mentioned studies: the CREAA model. This one is focusing on two temporalities: before and after the event. It is made up of four units, that has been built around key targets, specific to every studies, and that allowing the model to adapt different situations (different territories and different hazards).}}