@ARTICLE{10.21494/ISTE.OP.2022.0820, TITLE={Game-Oriented Learning in Business School: The Case of the EdUTeam Project}, AUTHOR={Philippe Lépinard, }, JOURNAL={Educations}, VOLUME={6}, NUMBER={Issue 1}, YEAR={2022}, URL={http://openscience.fr/Game-Oriented-Learning-in-Business-School-The-Case-of-the-EdUTeam-Project}, DOI={10.21494/ISTE.OP.2022.0820}, ISSN={2632-590X}, ABSTRACT={In the early 2010s, the Association Information et Management (AIM) created a research group on serious games in order to support practitioners in the implementation of these tools in management sciences. A decade later, Game-Oriented Learning, which is protean, has become widely used in Business Schools. The work carried out at the Institut de Recherche en Gestion (IRG, EA 2354) within the international research group MACCA Management has identified nine Game-Oriented Learning techniques implemented by teachers and trainers. The team of the EdUTeam Game-Oriented Learning research and pedagogy project then set about studying more precisely the detour of leisure games (serious gaming) in order to evaluate their capacity to support pedagogical scenarios covering complete courses without reducing academic expectations. The results from this Action Research, which are particularly encouraging, show that despite the offset between universes (fictional or historically distant), certain games allow the design of experiential courses guaranteeing an epistemic isomorphism between learning situations and professional reference situations, reducing the pedagogical, cognitive and organizational routines that can inhibit student learning.}}