@ARTICLE{10.21494/ISTE.OP.2019.0425, TITLE={Considering human efficiency to overcome the limits of Lean}, AUTHOR={Patrick Badets, Christophe Merlo, Véronique Pilniere, }, JOURNAL={Industrial and Systems Engineering}, VOLUME={2}, NUMBER={Numéro Spécial Lean et industrie du futur }, YEAR={2019}, URL={http://openscience.fr/Considering-human-efficiency-to-overcome-the-limits-of-Lean}, DOI={10.21494/ISTE.OP.2019.0425}, ISSN={2632-5993}, ABSTRACT={Lean is an approach that aims to eliminate waste in production activities. Recognized by companies, this approach yields significant gains in the short term. However, at medium and long term, these results have limitations. Our research work is focused on overcoming these limitations. So we studied the performance model adopted by the managers of Lean companies and the mental representations that underlie this model. In this paper, we support our research on a case study based on interviews with companies applying Lean approach and having met the mentioned limits. We then propose a new Lean performance model that attempts to overcome such limitations. This model is based on the vision that production operators contribute to the performance of the company through the creation and deployment of relevant operating modes during their work in Lean context. We also propose a modelling framework that allows to represent the impact of this new Lean performance model on the decision making in a Lean production system.}}