@ARTICLE{10.21494/ISTE.OP.2019.0361, TITLE={Understanding the effects of legal consciousness developed through the hidden curriculum on citizenship education}, AUTHOR={Stéphanie Demers, Laurent Paradis-Charette, David Lefrançois, Marc-André Éthier, Maryse Potvin, }, JOURNAL={Educations}, VOLUME={1}, NUMBER={Issue 1}, YEAR={2018}, URL={http://openscience.fr/Understanding-the-effects-of-legal-consciousness-developed-through-the-hidden}, DOI={10.21494/ISTE.OP.2019.0361}, ISSN={2632-590X}, ABSTRACT={This article explores the relationship between how students conceive school rules and codes as a protolegal framework of the hidden curriculum and citizenship education. The robustness of Ewick and Silbey’s legal consciouness model, as well as Westheimer and Kahne’s citizenship typology in describing this relationship is evaluated through the study of two cases where high school students must resolve a legal situation. The results of the analysis lead to conclude that the third level of Ewick and Silbey’s model does not allow for a distinction between legitimately contesting a law and an anomic rejection of the law. It further highlights the importance of distinguishing legal education from rights education.}}