@ARTICLE{TBA, TITLE={[FORTHCOMING] Circular economy and decarbonization, two terms that align well when the right conditions are in place}, AUTHOR={Flore Berlingen , Judith Pigneur , Sophie Boutillier , Rony Al-Haddad, }, JOURNAL={Technology and Innovation}, VOLUME={}, NUMBER={Forthcoming papers}, YEAR={2024}, URL={http://openscience.fr/Circular-economy-and-decarbonization-two-terms-that-align-well-when-the-right}, DOI={TBA}, ISSN={2399-8571}, ABSTRACT={Decarbonisation and the circular economy are generally considered as solutions for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and climate change. In fact, it’s not quite that simple. Circular economy, doesn’t necessarily reduce waste production; instead, it can actually increase it, as these collected goods are treated as resources. That said, circular economy is essential (under certain conditions) for reducing greenhouse gas emissions, and particularly in the context of decarbonisation. Renewable energies like solar and wind require the extraction of mineral resources, and exploiting new mines generates greenhouse gas emissions. To break this vicious circle, we need to review our production and consumption model.}}