Titre : Influence of Magnetic Induction on the Iron Loss of a Domain and its equivalent diagrams elements Auteurs : Jeannot VELONTSOA , Ulrich Michaël MAHAVELONA , Abdallah ATTOUMANI , Jean Edmond ZAFY, Revue : Entropy: Thermodynamics – Energy – Environment – Economy Numéro : Issue 2 Volume : 5 Date : 2024/07/12 DOI : 10.21494/ISTE.OP.2024.1176 ISSN : 2634-1476 Résumé : This article is dedicated to the analysis of the magnetic induction effects on the iron loss and the equivalent diagrams elements of a ferromagnetic domain subjected to this induction by using a parallelepipedic ferromagnetic domain subjected to a uniaxial magnetic flux. Induction B produced by an interdependent known source with the domain causes the domain saturation. This domain increases its consumption and sees the decrease of the resistances and the reactances values of its equivalent diagrams vis-a-vis the induction producing source. The increase in the iron loss and the reduction in the passive elements values of the equivalent diagrams are confirmed by the reduction in the resistivity and the permeability of the domain in Voltage Model where elements RL are in parallel as in Current Model where elements RL are in series. This phenomenon is visible during the duality parallel-series checking of the domain equivalent diagrams vis-a-vis the inductive source. Éditeur : ISTE OpenScience