@ARTICLE{À venir, TITLE={[FORTHCOMING] Propriétés algébriques des sous-espaces de topologies}, AUTHOR={Noômen Jarboui , Bana Al Subaiei, }, JOURNAL={Avancées en Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées}, VOLUME={}, NUMBER={Articles à paraître
}, YEAR={2024}, URL={http://openscience.fr/Proprietes-algebriques-des-sous-espaces-de-topologies}, DOI={À venir}, ISSN={1869-6090}, ABSTRACT={It is shown that the collection of all topologies on a given set $$$X$$$ coincide with the set of subsemirings of the power set $$$\mathcal{P}(X)$$$ (equipped with union and intersection) if and only if $$$X$$$ is finite. Furthermore, given a topological space $$$(X, \mathcal{T})$$$ and a subset $$$A$$$ of $$$X$$$, we characterize when the subspace topology $$$\mathcal{T}_A$$$ is a maximal (resp., a prime) ideal of the semiring $$$\mathcal{T}$$$. As applications, we provide an algebraic characterization of the one-point compactification of a noncompact, Tychonoff space. Moreover, we describe explicitly the semiring homomorphisms from $$$\mathcal{P}(X)$$$ into $$$\mathcal{P}(Y)$$$ in case $$$X$$$ is a finite set and $$$Y$$$ is an arbitrary nonempty set.}}