@ARTICLE{10.21494/ISTE.OP.2022.0825, TITLE={Blockchain from a patent perspective: Mapping an emerging technology}, AUTHOR={Raffaele Anedda, }, JOURNAL={Technology and Innovation}, VOLUME={7}, NUMBER={Issue 2}, YEAR={2022}, URL={http://openscience.fr/Blockchain-from-a-patent-perspective-Mapping-an-emerging-technology}, DOI={10.21494/ISTE.OP.2022.0825}, ISSN={2399-8571}, ABSTRACT={Patent data is beginning to be used to map blockchain innovation systems. We use network analysis to study this system using data from the PATSTAT database. We enrich this method first by considering a classification of technologies that would be more suitable for emerging ones. Then, we expand the list of tools used for network analysis (centrality, small worlds, citations between filers). We demonstrate that inventions around blockchain – despite a type of autonomy of networks of actors that distinguish a Western dynamic from a Chinese one – experience similar technological trajectories explored in these two universes.}}