@ARTICLE{10.21494/ISTE.OP.2021.0727, TITLE={Heat transfer by thermoelectric convection in horizontal rectangular cavities}, AUTHOR={Elhadj BARRY, Changwoo KANG, Harunori YOSHIKAWA, Innocent MUTABAZI, }, JOURNAL={Entropy: Thermodynamics – Energy – Environment – Economy }, VOLUME={2}, NUMBER={Special issue}, YEAR={2021}, URL={http://openscience.fr/Heat-transfer-by-thermoelectric-convection-in-horizontal-rectangular-cavities}, DOI={10.21494/ISTE.OP.2021.0727}, ISSN={2634-1476}, ABSTRACT={This study concerns the natural convection in a dielectric fluid confined in a rectangular cavity subjected to a temperature gradient and a high frequency alternating electric field. The thermoelectric coupling induces dielectrophoretic force with effects similar to those of Archimedean buoyancy in generating thermal convection. We conducted a linear stability analysis to find the critical modes. Beyond the threshold, numerical simulation was performed to analyze the flow when increasing the electric voltage and we highlighted the heat transfer enhancement by the electric buoyancy. We have introduced a new control parameter, encompassing the Archimedean buoyancy and the electric buoyancy, to generalize the thermoelectric convection problem.}}